There are hundreds of different indoor air purifiers available to choose from, yet most manufacturers provide only obscure explanations for how their items work or create unspecific health claims. It’s important to purchase an air purifier that works well and is a good value. However, the facts are that most air purifiers simply aren’t very efficient at controlling dust mites, pollen, mold, bacteria, allergens and other airborne pollutants. Instead, an air purifier simply removes these irritants from the air without actually improving indoor air quality.
That doesn’t mean that all air purifiers are ineffective. In fact, some work exceptionally well, especially in small or extremely large areas. Some models can even eliminate indoor pollution all together. Before purchasing an air purifier, it’s important to review the model’s list of functions, to find out if it will do what it promises to do, and whether it is right for your needs.
One of the more popular options among air purifiers is the HEPA filter. A HEPA filter can remove very small particles, which won’t affect nearly as many people’s health as larger airborne particles. An important benefit of a HEPA filter is its relative ease of use. Simply place the air purifier on a shelf, and turn it on. In most cases, this filter must be replaced after one year; however, it can also be extended to two years by contacting the manufacturer for a replacement.
Air purifying HEPA filters also have other benefits. They reduce allergens and other pollutants in the air by removing microscopic particles. As air cleanser, it also reduces airborne noise levels. Since most air purifiers have HEPA filters, they are able to reduce the amounts of pollutants in the air by up to 90%, compared to other systems.
A final option in air purifiers is the use of ‘buffered’ or ‘dry’ air purifiers. These use a combination of water and fine sand, instead of a charcoal filter. They work very well in situations where the particles being removed are large in size, such as that found in an automobile manufacturing plant. These types of filters are often recommended in offices.
Since the air purifier is generally placed in a room, the size of the room also affects its ability to clean. The larger the space, the higher the required capacity of an air purifier. For example, an air purifier that is able to clean a 20-square-foot space would be too weak in a one-bedroom apartment. It would be far too powerful in a hospital room, where space for the air purifier and its filters is crucial to patient health.