How to Choose the Right One For You
After spending some time looking at different coolers, I finally decided to purchase the Moukey Ma20-2. I have been looking for a portable water cooler since I moved to Mississippi a few years ago. I love being out in the mountains most of the year, but I need a cool place to take along when I go down to the river. Since the local hardware store did not have any coolers that were large enough to accommodate my needs, I had to look elsewhere.
Once I had decided to look at coolers, I started doing some research on the internet. The first cooler that caught my eye was the Moukey Ma20-2. I had seen it advertised on TV before and knew that it was pretty big so I figured that it would be an easy one to buy. The review that I read on the internet did not give me too much info on this cooler, but it seemed to be pretty solid.
The next cooler on the water cooler line that caught my eye was the Moukey Maingo 2. This cooler is made by the same company that makes the Maingo. I am assuming that they are all pretty similar because that is what I have been used to. This particular product has a nice display on it that shows the temperature of the water and a timer for when you turn it on.
The other cooler that I looked at was the Souwriter cooler line. This cooler has a cooler inside and a blender on the outside. The inside of the cooler is where you can put all of your sodas and beverages that you would like cold. The blender part of the cooler allows you to turn out all of your sodas and beverages at once so you don’t have to keep topping off them like you would with a traditional cooler. I really like this particular unit because it is very easy to use.
If you need to cool down a larger area than the Souwriter cooler will handle, you will want to consider using one of the other two. There are several options available with these products. You can choose a larger than normal unit, or even one that will fit in the corner of a kitchen counter. If you have an extra large family or you are just trying to cut down on the time that you drink water, the counter top or tall refrigerator models may be right up your alley.
The best coolers are going to offer you a little something extra. A quality water cooler will have a bottle opener built into it. These can come in handy for those times when you don’t want to go out and grab a bottle of water for yourself or your kids. Another great feature that a good quality cooler line will have is an ice cream maker built into them. Ice creams are a great way to cool down those sore muscles after a long day at work or a tiring day at school.