Web analytics identifies a website’s statistics and behavior to deliver quick, easy insight into website performance. Web analytics collects, measures, and reports web site traffic and behavior. These are the core elements that make up a successful website. Web analytics helps companies to see what works and what doesn’t when it comes to their websites and their customers. It can tell companies which content and features are creating the most traffic, which web pages are being visited the most frequently, which pages of a site people least like, which keywords are being used to locate a page on the Web and which ads are creating the most revenue.

Some of the popular web analytics tools available are web performance analysis, web analytics application, web performance reporting, online advertisers tool, pop-up analytics and visitor behavior analysis. Web performance analysis identifies how clients can improve their sites. This includes identifying problems such as: clients aren’t seeing enough conversion (conversion rate – sales) from their advertising campaigns, they’re reaching the wrong audience for their products or services, or they’re reaching users with ads that aren’t truly relevant to the content on the site. Pop-up analytics identify which pop-ups customers see most often. It allows advertisers and website owners to test different advertisements and tracks which are generating the most traffic.
Another popular metric used in web analytics applications is page views, which tracks the total number of unique visitors that have accessed a website. The more unique visitors, the more likely marketers think that their products or services will be successful. Web analytics applications can determine how many unique visits a page views, which keywords are being used in the URL, how long a page is on the Web, the average time users spend on a page and the number of pages visited during a specific time frame. These are some of the most important metrics to track.
Web analytics also identify “keywords” that visitors use when browsing. By tracking the words people use when visiting your site, you can determine what keywords are being used to access your site, which demographics make up your audience and finder, and ultimately which advertising works the best. Using cookies, web analytics programs can keep track of what users do while they’re on your site. For example, some web analytics programs use cookies to collect data about the pages each user loads, the colors they click on, the pages they open, and many other details.
One of the newest forms of analytics available today is social media analytics. Social media has become an integral part of the advertising landscape in recent years. Millions of people use social media daily to stay connected with friends and family, gain new friends and discover new products and services. Internet marketers are taking advantage of this by using social media monitoring to learn more about visitors to their websites, their search habits and the keywords that bring them to your website. This type of application is invaluable for those who manage social media accounts and understand how to better use these tools to serve their customers.
Web analytics can help your off-site web analytics program provide a fuller picture of your site’s visitor population. Visits to your website could be split roughly in half based on behavior and interests. By identifying interest trends, you’ll learn exactly which segments of your visitors spend more and less time on your site, and which keywords they use to access your site. Off-site web analytics can also identify which search engines your visitors use to access your site and how often. These tools will allow you to focus your attention on the areas that will help maximize your profits.